Sunday 10 May 2015

Growth Mindset

Where does Growth Mindset fit with your 'Comfort Zone?'

Let's say there are three levels of comfort - Totally OK with this, I'm willing to try, and No Way I don't like it.

I believe I have a Growth Mindset and every day I'm working towards developing myself..... in my work. There's the catch. I'm driven by my work and I have a desire to succeed.

As I read more about Growth Mindset, I am begin to associate it a lot with desire. I believe I could train for and run a marathon - but along with believing I could, I would have to have the desire to do so.

Stamina and perseverance is equally as important - I could run a marathon, learn a language, become a great artist, be a designer and a builder (?!?!) but to learn it all would leave me exhausted (and probably broke!).

I think that everybody shows a Growth Mindset and a Fixed Mindset. It's the other qualities in the end, that determine how much effort you are going to put forward to achieving something.

Having a Growth Mindset will come naturally to some situations. Perhaps it's a new mother just trying to be a better mum, maybe it's a child learning to talk, or a homeless person looking for warmer and safer spots to sleep. Are they aware of their growth mindset? Probably not. 

I think it's what we do outside our comfort zone that is really going to grow our minds - but we must have a TRUE desire to do.

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